
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is“.

Its hard to be humble when you stumble upon the vein of truth. Hacked material is often the work of frustrated, bullied or simply curious individuals who chance upon the truth, in their quest for justice and truth.

We don’t solely rely on material hacked from the darkened corners of where the light has been deliberately turned off in the hope it never sees the light of day. We accept what the enlightened, bold and courageous throws at us even if it has been from hacked sources and at the expense of their own freedoms.

Hacking is not always the work of some hoodie wearing “Russian” cyber espionage agent. Hacking instead is more often the work of frustrated insiders, bullied employees, jilted spouses, or careless individuals and institutions who feel invulnerable and ignore the power of the internet.

Hack ‘dumps’ on the dark web ‘spill the beans‘ . Explorers mine these dumps and sell or distribute (for altruistic or other reasons) what information they obtain from the dark web through various legal channels to the public. We pick it up and publish it after verifying and corroborating the evidence.

We’ve just followed Jack up the beanstalk grown from these ‘spilled beans’ to where the nasty evil giant lives.

We hope you enjoy the stories we bring to you from all over the world. One beanstalk at a time. We hope we can make a difference to your lives especially when you begin to feel that all is lost.

The world is a small place right next to you.