Assange Betrayed

When Julian Assange was interviewed by documentary maker Mark Davis in 2011, it is widdely belieeved that Davis was tailed by Australian security personnel working in close cooperation with their US and European counterparts.

The tailing was not always by men in trench coats. Much of it was in the form of electronic surveillance including a concealed eves dropping devices lodged in a camera believed to be that beloning to Davis.

It is not known or suggested that Mark Davi,s a former SBS TV journalist, was aware of his tail. Julian Assange and his minders at the time suspected that Mark Davis had a tail.

Julian Assange’s misfortunes is not the result of US counter intelligence alone. Assange was readily betrayed by former Prime Ministers, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbot, Malcolm Turnbull and Julia Gillard. These former leaders did not view Assange as a threat to US and the Western security alliance alone.

Assange was a threat to each of them. If he was able to penetrate and breach the inner sanctum of the world’s toughest and seemingly impregnable security apparatus, the US military and the CIA, they wondered what posssibly had in store for him. And each of them had good reason to worry about an Assange on the lose. They feared the prospect of Assange possessing sensitive, intimate, details of their private, public and political lives that was not yet in the public domain.

Bishop feared leaks about her unofficial and risky associations with the NED -National Endowment for Democracy- a CIA funded and controlled Regime Change outfit involved in out nefarious clandestine activities to destabilize Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong. She was paid by the NED for her Regime Change work.

Bisshop’st greatest fear was and remains the rumour, that her indiscretions at a casino hotel owned by the late Stanley Ho in Macau was caught on camera during one of her high  profile visits to Macau.

Bishop and Abbot were both recipients of the largesse of Chinese spies operating in Australia at the time. One posing as benefactors of the Sydney University of Technology and the other as a developer, Huang Xiangmo and Chau Chak Wing had reportedly donated to over $6.7 billion to various political parties in Australia. They include Greens, the ALP and the Liberals.

These were not political donations. They include the over $250,000 paid to Julie Bishop and $700,000 to Tony Abbott purportedly towards their respective reelection campaigns that is public knowledge. These were not political donations, they were outright bribes, paid to influence Australian government policy towards China and to secure Australia’s support for a number of Chinese political and commercial initiatives internationally.

Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard whether they acknowledge it or not were also recipients of Chinese government largess via third parties. The Chinese were always careful about how they influenced Australia’s politicians. The Chinese were regularly fed with information by moles within ASIO including Roger Uren.

Gillard’s undisclosed millions from foreign governments and their operatives including the US$2,000,000.00 per annum from the insolvent and illegitimate (Hillary) Clinton Foundation. The quantum of Chinese gifts to Gillard during her tenure as Prime Minister is in many ways veiled by friendly elements within the Australian media

Malcolm Turnbull’s companies, including companies owned by his clients when he was Goldman Sachs Australia, received cash infusions to the tune of millions of dollars in investments from Chinese controlled nominee companies. Malcolm was never questioned about these transactions by his interlocutors in the media.

Finally, there is the case of former New South Wales Premier Bob Carr and his late Malaysian born wife Helena Carr. Companies controlled by Helena’s relatives in Malaysia were likewise the recipients of millions of Chinese investment dollars which she and Bob Carr failed to detect.

There is significantly more about Chinese ‘investments’ in Australian government over the years. And they cover the entire spectrum of influence from senior public servants, politicians and judges in Queensland, New South Wales, Canberra and Victoria.

Assange is believed to have the dirt on these transactions but has said little about them so fare.

So why weren’t any of these scandals pursued by government or made public by the media for the public to know?

Well it is said that Julian Assange and the many flowers his revolution have bl;oomed and begun to publish bits and pieces of it in various clandestine leaks on the dark web.

Assange’s fate was sealed by Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard after Kevin 7. The US saw Kevin Rudd as a useful idiot that could build a tunnel into China as opposed to a bridge which the Chinese would have treated with suspicion.

The Chinese liked Rudd as a PR tool for them but certainly did not treat him as a political heavyweight he perceived himself to be. Rudd and his wife too have many skeletons in their closets neither wants anyone to rattle.

Assange was and rremains the subject of heated debates and discussions between the board, members and staff of Australia’s national broadcaster the ABC.

Many have and continue to support Assange. A vocal minority within the board and a handful of NED operatives within ABC’s staff though do not. And their opposition to Assange is not out of a political or moral conviction but one of self-preservation. The fear of being exposed themselves. Many are or continue to be in the employ of the National Endowment of Democracy-the NED.

Unless there is a groundswell of pro Assange opinion within Australia the government of Albanese has no incentive to stand in the way of the US extraditing Assange from Belmarsh prison in the UK to the US.

Jarrod French