
Send us your stories, your tips, and your hacks. We’ll publish it for you for the world to read.

The best stories, the stories, tips, and hacks that brought down dictators, nations, and some of the world’s most dangerous thugs and warlords began like little acorns. They all had their origins in tips, witness accounts, hacks, and leaks. “Deep Throat in” Watergate is a great example of how you, anyone can bring down brutes and dictators- Watergate and “Deep Throat” brought down the Nixon administration (although we believe that Henry Kissinger was the leaker). It helped end the Vietnam War.

Write to us with your stories, hacks, leaks, and tips via our encrypted email account and we’ll do the rest for you.

If you like creative investigative journalism this may be your best opportunity to break into the profession. Be brave.

Do it for the world.