Crowdstrike and Damage Control


The worldwide computer systems crash that occurred on Friday 19 July 2024 was not an oversight by Crowdstrike. It is instead part of a systemic problem enhanced by the inability of countries like Australia, the West European nations and countries in the third world to be able to detect or to resolve on their own when it occurs.

This crash is something we warned of in our article on Qantas a few months ago.

What happened on 19 July 2024 was that Crowdstrike pushed through a defective update to their customers, all 29 million or so of them, and stuck their customers computers in a “boot loop”. It actually went beyond customers computers.

It was sabotage. A deliberate injection of a malware in a critical component (updates) Crowdstrike was entrusted to deliver to clients of mainly Microsoft based operating systems worldwide.

The ensuing problems were then compounded with those computers (customers) using bitlockeror other similar encryption on their drives-not being able to log in to their computers to fix the problem.

To assess the danger arising out of ignorance to this problem and many others in countries that do not have an independent ability to check for cyber intrusions and attacks is the discussions on commercial and state run TV networks that followed the crash. They were all completely out of their depth.

Australlia’s ABC, the BBC and NBC led the charge into their depths of ignorance by fielding so called “experts” in the field. None were able to come up with a plausible explanation as to what the danger was let alone identify the core problem leding to that crash.

We are vulnerable. The warning signs of how vulneable we are was flagged when many of our government, statutory and large private institutions like Telstra, Optus, the Departments of Health, Medicare, two major airlines, Australia Post, the NAB, CBA and several Australian universities were all hacked time after time since 2019.

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