3,200,000 Hits- We are Blushing-Chuffed

When asked why he went about with a lamp in broad daylight, Diogenes confessed, “I am looking for an honest man.” Seeing a young man blush, he remarked that it was the complexion of virtue.

In just 3 months of publishing our first article and going live, we reached a milestone not many online publications can boast of. On 5 February 2024, we recorded 180,302 hits on our pages. That’s Australia alone.

On 30 March 2024, one month later we’ve conquered Everest. Having crossed that magical mark of 734,008 hits at midnight on 29 March 2024 we now stand tall as a force of independent news (and outrage) to contend with.

At midnight or the morning of 7 June 2024, we recorded a total of 3,200,000 hits. Over 2,000,000 of these were opens and reader rates for readers who spent more than 2 minutes perusing articles and stories carried on our blog.

The number of return readers (returning to complete reading where they left off previously) has also increased substantially. More than doubled.

What is amazing about the increased readership is that we have achieved these milestones without the aid of SEO tools.

We’ve managed to outdo ourselves, achieving the impossible without fanfare. We must be doing something right.

23% of our total readership is from within the legal profession. These are solicitors, barristers, academics, judges, former judges, (by stealth the Legal Services Commission and the Law Societies of NSW and Queensland) and yes, 2 senior government ministers of the state of Queensland and the Attorney General’s office Queensland.

We’ve received 32 unsubscribe requests in this time. There have been at least 4 attempts to hack and to plant a trojan in our server and directly on to our webpage. One of these from a law firm in the Gold Coast in Queensland. We will identify, then name them in due course after they’ve had the opportunity to respond to the allegation.

Click rates of 63% and Opens rates of 78% and Unique open rates of 64% is a higher than average statistic for a first time publication without pre publication advertising.

In fact these figures are exceptionally high. The Unique open rates are for the numbers (and percentages) of readers who actually visited, opened and read the blog as opposed to those that clicked it open, read a headline or two and then clicked out are high.

We expect our numbers to grow exponentially in the coming weeks/months of publication of documents relating to our most controversial story about the defalcation of $20 million by a lawyer and the conduct of the trial judge in BS8866 & BS8867/2019.

The bounce rate is low (which means readers stay longer reading a page), and the number of new readers has grown impressively. Keep supporting us by visiting our blog. More importantly read it.

Those recorded and documented attempts to hack onto our site and to jam (Ddos) our server in a way are a backhanded compliments to the effectiveness of the truth.

We expect to publish copies of incriminating documents relating to each of the matters we’ve reported on. These have already been published on various other web sites and passed on to our reporters and contributors.

We believe you’ve got a right to know. No one not even the law is safe from the light of the lantern of Diogenes. Something needs to be done quickly about the quality of our judges, the state of our courts and the legal services in general.

Lengthy parliamentary debates and promises of action by rent seeking governments and MP’s incapable of understanding the dangers of the current situation of unaccountability of judges, barristers and other officials of the state under the cover of privilege, separation of powers and other doctrines is unacceptable.

Send us your thoughts and comments. Not every comment is published, but they are all read.

(We’ve updated this article and will continue to do so periodically. We are indeed blushing on our success). We thank you for your support.

Managing Editor

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